Thursday, July 29, 2010

Two Month Dr. Appt

Levi's Growth Percentiles:

Weight: 11 lbs 5 oz, 47th percentile
Length: 23 inches, 60th percentile
Weight for length: 20th percentile
Head: 70th percentile

He did good with his shots at the Dr, but when we got home he got kind of crabby until he took some Tylenol. He was good pretty much up until bed time, and then he got crabby again and was up all night. Finally about 5 this morning, he was over tired and slept 5 hours. He seems to be fine now that he got some sleep, I will just be staying on top of his Tylenol today!

Everything looked good except that bump he got on his head from the vacuum on delivery day. She referred us to a neurosurgeon at Children's to make sure everything is okay with it since it hasn't decreased much in size at all. She said some babies take a lot longer for it to heal and that is probably all it is, but just wants to be sure. So I am waiting for them to call me to schedule that appt. Hopefully will call today.

That's all for that appt, I will post pics next week of our weekend in the sun (hopefully). :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Summer Time

We have been pretty busy over the last couple weeks, making the summer and my maternity leave go way too fast. For the fourth we went to the cabin and we had very nice weather this time. Which was great for Larry and Nancy's latest purchase of a sailboat! I have not been brave enough to go in it yet, I thought I would give the guys some time to master it before doing so. :) By the time we left, they had it down pretty good so I think I will brave it when we are at the cabin this weekend.

Levi also had a good first Fourth of July, seeing a lot of people again. He does really good at the cabin, so that makes us happy and not afraid to take him.

We didn't have room to bring his big bath tub, but we still wanted to give him a bath since he goes to sleep really good afterwards, so we brought his hospital one. As you can see, he was a little crammed in there with his long legs!

We have just been hanging out everyday while Grant is at work. We go for our daily walk, sometimes two depending on the weather, and then rotate through all his toys. He is starting to play with more of them now and also doing a lot more facial expressions. It is fun to just sit and watch his reactions.

Levi had a rough few days of coughing and weezing really bad so I took him to the doctor a few weeks ago. I was worried he wasn't going to do the cough while we were there, but thankfully he did. She diagnosed him with reflux and we got him on Zantac now twice a day. We now have a totally different baby! Shortly after being on the medicine, we had his first night that he slept through the night and since then, he does pretty much every night. Hopefully he follows suit when I go back to work in a few weeks.

Other than that, Grant has been busy working, doing a summer class, and his latest found passion of golfing. (He might be a little obsessed). I had my ten year class reunion a few weekends ago and we had a friend's wedding this last weekend, so Levi had his first overnight with Grandma and Grandpa Schmidt. He did good! It was nice to see everyone at the wedding, especially our friends from Boston Jess and Adam.

And of course we had to find time for his best friend Carter to come over and play with him. You would think he would get annoyed with her in his face all day, but he really doesn't and keeps on smiling/staring at her! She is a good big sister for him and is a great help. :)

We have Levi's two month appt. tomorrow with some shots, so I am not looking forward to that. Grant is coming with and hopefully it goes smooth. Then we are heading to the cabin this weekend, hopefully the weather will cooperate for us :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

One Month

You would think being home all day I would have tons of blog posts, but for some reason, I never find the time! I always manage to figure out something else that needs to be done. Anyways... we have survived Levi's first month! It went very fast and I still cannot believe he is four weeks old. We are getting a schedule down pretty well now, and in return, Levi is sleeping pretty good for us. He had his longest stretch so far last night of five and a half hours. It was great! He usually sleeps between three and four hours before waking up, he eats, then goes back to bed. He had a few irritable nights, but thankfully they didn't last. We will take them here and there, but not in a row! We have had a busy month that is for sure...

Levi LOVES his bath, but doesn't love getting out of the bath as you can see below. We learned last week that giving him a bath before bed, makes him sleep much easier and he calms down right after he has his last feeding. SO bath every night it is!

The second weekend in June we braved a newborn and headed to the lake for Grant's Grandma Betty's birthday party. It went pretty well and he got to meet a lot of people! The weather wasn't as nice as we wanted it to be, but it was relaxing. He met his Great Grandma Betty at her party.

Then we have just been hanging out during the weeks and getting adjusted with our new family of three. My sister still has Kujo, I am not sure how that is going to work with Levi. She brought him over a few times to see how he did, but when he is sleeping we cannot really tell. The first time when Levi moved, Kujo lunged right at him and that will not work. So we will see how that goes.

My dad, Levi, and I stopped over at my Grandpa Pat and Papa Gene's house last week for Levi to meet them. He sure is getting out and about, thank goodness for it being summer! Here he is with his Great Grandma Pat, we will need to get a picture of him with Great Grandpa Gene next time we see him.

Then this last weekend, he was even busier with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins in town as well as a wedding and a graduation party. Again, he sure gets around! Which we are thankful he doesn't mind being in his carseat. He got to meet his Great Grandma and Grandpa Hulscher as well as attend his first wedding.

This week, Levi finally got to see his buddy Carter. She has been sick the last couple of weeks so he has missed her! She was more than happy to sleep over the other night so she got lots of bonding time in with her little buddy. Sometimes, she likes getting right into his face to make sure he knows she is still here :)

I have been recovering well, still sore when I over due it, but overall, I would say I am doing good. Had a few bumps in the road, but managed to get by them. I am getting ansy to start working out after my 6 week appt, until then, Levi and I go for our daily walks. Grant is staying busy with work and an online summer class on top of being a dad, so he is getting exhausted at times! It is his birthday today and he gets to enjoy a concert tonight with his dad and brother. We are off to the cabin this weekend for the fourth, hopefully I will be able to work on my tan :) Here is the little guy yesterday, one month old....