Thursday, May 13, 2010

Almost 37 Weeks, Not so much fun!

We sure have been keeping ourselves busy the last few weeks, I cannot believe how fast time has been going. The good news is, I feel that I am now ready for the baby to get here, I just want to be done! My biggest concern was holding him in long enough for Grant to get done with his finals and we made it to that milestone. He had a very stressful week last week, but is now more than happy to be done. So now we are good to go! Here is a funny picture he texted me last week of what he was up to in class.....

My aunts Jennifer and Brenda hosted a baby shower for me last Saturday and it was fun to see everyone I hadn't seen in a long time. I was once again overwhelmed with presents and thankfully I had my "little helper" Carter Lou with to help me open all of those. I appreciated all of their hardwork making it a fun shower! And I also thank everyone who came.

After the shower, Grant and I headed to the cabin for the night. Then on Sunday Grant's two aunts Barb and Debbie hosted a shower for me there! Again, it was nice to see everyone and I appreciated everyone's work on making this shower fun as well. I was overwhelmed with presents again, and had a new little helper Mason there to help me out. Thank you everyone who came to this one as well. As you can see we overflowed the nursery again... But I had Monday off to organize so it ended up looking much better by the end of the day. :)

Then comes the not so fun stuff. At my dr's appointment on Tuesday, my blood pressure was quite elevated which concerned the dr because it had been low the entire pregnancy. So she did a couple tests and decided to put me on bed rest with no work until Thursday (today) and see what happened in those two days. I had my other appointment this morning, and it was still elevated but only when I was sitting up. When she had me lay down, it went back to how it has been. So she did a few more tests to test for pre clampsia again and those results were normal. SO she prescribed me some medicine and kept her order of bed rest and no work until this next Tuesday. Her main concern was having me make it past the 37 week mark on Saturday. So until Tuesday, I will be forcing myelf not to do anything work or stress related and just hang out. Hopefully on Tuesday these restrictions will be lifted! I go to the dr every Tuesday now until I have him, so I am thinking the time will go fast.

The other day I had Carter over and I thought it was funny when she came to lay with me she put her baby in the bassinet and pulled it close to her to "watch" over her baby. She was holding onto it until she fell asleep... She will be a little mother hen to our baby, I can see it now!

Not much going on for me this weekend as I am now restricted. Grant will be enjoying some fishing for the opener, but not at the cabin like usual. We have to stay close to the hospital so he is just going to go somewhere around here. Hopefully he has good luck! Here is a picture of me at 36 weeks, 5 days....

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